The Maiden Glow Swim

Hot Chilli Tri know how to run an event. I've been to many of their brilliantly organised opened upwards H2O time-trials together with aquathons over the final duet of years. Even their set-up at the Club Relays was impressive amongst some sort of gourmet chef together with printed carte du jour scenario (leftovers of which came to the Salisbury Tri camp.. fifty-fifty better!). When I heard they were organising a dark swimming trial inwards the crystal clear waters of Vobster Quay, I all of a precipitous had an unusual feeling: motivation for swimming. I signed upwards immediately.

We turned upwards non knowing quite what to expect. The goody purse contained i glow stick together with a flake of string which needed to last (firmly) secured to the dorsum of your goggles or transcend of your wetsuit together with some other glow stick "for fun" afterwards. I was sort of hoping in that location powerfulness last some variety of swimming rave after-party.

There was an atmosphere of excitement every bit the daylight faded. As nosotros sat amongst a warming pre-swim cuppa, Debbie expressed her concerns that it "was going to last a flake dark, wasn't it?!". Yes, patently a dark fourth dimension swim would likely last a flake dark. We did wonder though every bit nosotros looked out to the buoys how on public nosotros would truly encounter them amongst simply a few calorie-free sticks attached.

Pre-swim warming cuppa
All became clear inwards Richard's security briefing. At each buoy in that location would last a kayaker amongst a brilliant flashing torch. Not only that, but he assured us that the glow sticks would last much easier to encounter when nosotros were truly inwards the water. Open H2O swimming presents risks every bit it is but doing it inwards the dark patently makes it fifty-fifty riskier. The briefing was (necessarily) thorough, together with thus much together with thus that past times the terminate of it the air of excitement had altered slightly to i of nervous anticipation. Debbie had gone from wanting to "smash it" together with move out us all standing inwards her bubbles to suggesting that nosotros all simply taste it together with maybe rest together instead.

The H2O itself was a surprisingly pleasant temperature together with it was much easier than I'd expected to spot the buoys across the water. H5N1 rocket fired, together with every bit the firework lit upwards the clear dark sky, the swimmers gear upwards off. Sighting was non a occupation every bit the flashing lights proved to last highly effective beacons but y'all couldn't truly encounter where other swimmers were really easily. Without beingness able to encounter my ain arms inwards a dark wetsuit I couldn't truly accept responsibleness for their wild stroke together with it's upshot on the other swimmers. It was also hard to dodge the wayward arms of others together with thus in that location was a lot of apologising going on well-nigh the place.

Swimming inwards the dark felt strangely serene. With no visual stimulation except for a flashing calorie-free inwards the distance, all your had to focus on was the audio of the water, your breath together with how your trunk felt. Distance perception was also completely bizarre; y'all couldn't guess how far away anything was until y'all were truly unopen to it.

I stopped at the far end, took off my goggles together with simply watched for a few seconds what was going on roughly me. It was together with thus peaceful. The heaven was total of stars together with in that location was simply a few tranquility splashes of other swimmers drifting past. It was utterly surreal but completely brilliant!

Then, the quiet was broken. H5N1 duet a blokes were breast-stroking inwards my full general administration together with having a skillful quondam chinwag. I'd patently been floating roughly a piddling also long, plenty for them to inquire if I was having some trouble. I ended upwards breast-stroking along amongst them together with having a overnice chat, mayhap convincing them to come upwards along to our gild duathlon inwards November. Nothing similar a flake of sporadic trial advertisement to intermission upwards a swim.

I came out of the H2O feeling truly nice. It was a flake similar that after-yoga feeling where you're a flake tired but refreshed together with calm all at the same time. We hung roughly to cheer the final swimmer out of the water, the cheer from the Hot Chilli Tri lot was loud together with heartfelt; no swimmers had been lost inwards the dark together with the trial had been a total success!

The most unsafe flake of the entire eve came every bit nosotros wandered dorsum upwards the pitch dark path to the machine commons together with could non encounter a thing, despite waving our glowsticks frantically. Maybe side past times side fourth dimension they could stick a kayaker upwards in that location amongst a flashing light. H5N1 truly cracking trial though, together with if the novelty of swimming inwards the dark gets me swimming at to the lowest degree i time a month, I promise they usage a few more! 

Yep. That's what the other swimmers looked like...

Bit blurry, but almost only instance of what the
buoys looked similar through my foggy goggles!
The kayak beacon. Great until you're correct side past times side to him and
get blinded..

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