Early Flavour Swim

Wetsuit: Check

Five swimming caps: Check

Neoprene socks together with gloves: Check

Large, steaming flask of hot chocolate: Check

Quick questioning to self: Do y'all definitely desire to create this? Check

I scoffed on Sabbatum when the lake opened. March seemed nearly unfeasible for the opened upwardly H2O flavor to start together with every bit much every bit I wanted to, mutual feel prevailed together with I stayed warm together with toasty inwards bed instead.

However, a non bad (and bonkers) Nicky Yevko said she wanted to larn together with exam the H2O together with if she was going inwards damnit, I’d last going inwards too. I tried to convince a few to a greater extent than of the girls but solely ii of the most hardcore could last tempted. The 4 of us, it seems, were the solely 4 people mad plenty to brand the midweek trip to Ellingham lake for a refreshing 14°C dip.

Surprisingly – together with I’m non fifty-fifty pretending to last brave – it really wasn’t every bit bad every bit whatever of us expected. Having chosen to larn the whole squealer alongside every extremity covered inwards neoprene, I fared rattling good indeed. The fairly chunky gloves provided non only additional warmth, but a lilliputian fleck of added resistance likewise for a bonus forcefulness workout!

The swim was beautifully peaceful together with a superb start to the day. I remembered that it is really possible to genuinely savour swimming. You could say it was a lilliputian colder than commons because when nosotros stopped to convey a chat, everybody was doing that slightly off pronunciation that comes alongside non beingness able to experience your lips.
Considering it was the get-go calendar week inwards Apr though, nosotros didn’t experience too cold. That was of course, until it was fourth dimension to larn out. Despite beingness covered caput to toe inwards neoprene, I was withal rather chilly together with at nowadays had the added work of trying to take extra items alongside gloved hands. I transformed from an awesome early on morning time lake swimming neoprene ninja to a shivering fumbling lunatic inwards the infinite of only of a few minutes.

After nearly falling over several times whilst trying to pare off neoprene socks alongside barely surgery fingers, I tottered inwards an unstable mode at in 1 lawsuit to the hot shower to warm up.

First opened upwardly H2O swim of the season: check.

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