The Delightful Downton Half

When you're stumbling most at 09:20 amongst 1 oculus that won't opened upwardly properly, tripping over empty vino bottles together with searching for your trainers earlier a 10am race, it in all probability won't survive a personal best form of day. However, after a raucous 30th birthday celebration together with failed "few drinks together with motion on to water" strategy, I was happy plenty only to arrive to the position out line.

This was my quaternary outing to the Downton Half marathon; it's a brilliantly challenging class amongst some lovely big hills. Race New Forest are a fabulous grouping of people who run slap-up serial of events but I retrieve this is my favourite. There are only the correct amount of people racing, spectacular views of the New Forest together with e'er plenty of friendly faces.

All the things I could non consume..
The outset friendly aspect upwardly was that of Eleanor Rutter, a marvellous adult woman who seems to race and/or marshal every effect inwards the South. She handed me my timing chip amongst a huge constituent of hug together with so miraculously was out marshalling on the class moments later, shouting back upwardly together with telling us all how wonderful nosotros were.

I wasn't convinced I was going to experience wonderful at all. I felt so sick I couldn't fifty-fifty sip H2O permit lone aspect upwardly the bacon sarnie that was lovingly prepared for me. As presently every bit I started running though, I felt straightaway improve most life. I felt so slap-up most everything that it is possible I was truly non hungover at all but yet mildly inebriated.

Another squeal of back upwardly came from the hugely enthusastic Nicky Yevko together with Davie, who had popped over on his wheel to give me a cheer.

I was really excited to encounter my loud together with cheery two-man back upwardly crew of Muv together with Holly jumping unopen to every bit I started the sew together to Castle Hill, only earlier the 8 mile point. At this signal I yet hadn't regained whatever form of appetite together with was definitely non inwards my correct heed every bit I declined jelly babies. The Castle Hill loop was difficult plenty to growth my postulate for saccharide so I demanded sweets every bit I came dorsum out the other side.

Still feeling fabulous, I picked upwardly the mensuration a fleck every bit the class meandered through Woodfalls but at 10 miles, my belly started to rumble together with my unloose energy levels started to drop. I needed sugar. At only by eleven miles, I was struggling. Luckily at that really instant, my back upwardly crew were coming by inwards the auto so I went to acquire to a greater extent than jelly babies but my aspect upwardly dropped when I learned they'd all been given to other runners. Instead, Holly dangled a really unappetising slice of staff of life out of the window from my uneaten bacon sandwich (and she had stolen the bacon. Bad news.). I was non inwards the mood for a slice of bread.

Post-race giant cookie heaven
Seeing the 12 mile sign gave me a boost together with I managed to abide by a fleck to a greater extent than energy. Another cheer from Eleanor at the goal of Moot Lane was plenty to acquire me to the finish. Regardless of the fourth dimension it took, this one-half marathon was definitely my most impressive. Having proficient people inwards the vicinity makes all the divergence together with today, the boosts of back upwardly together with smiley marshals got me around.

I came home, position on the sofa together with ate my giant birthday Ben's Cookie (genius gift, cheers sis). Job good done.

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